Watersedge Landscape has been working with specimen trees since 2001. Our certified arborists on staff have been providing solutions for properties in San Diego County for many years. Our team of arborists have gone through extensive courses and certification programs as well as hands on field experience to gather an extensive amounts of knowledge.
Tree Selection:
If you need help selecting the perfect tree and not sure where to start or what to plant, please feel free to contact us for help. We will be glad to meet with you and share our knowledge and come up with a few great options for you. We will take into account location of tree, sun exposure, soil conditions, traffic, intended use of tree, height, roots, etc. to ensure you are choosing the right tree for your needs.
Problematic/Stressed Trees:
When you have a problematic tree, we will take time to visit the site, walk the property, interview you and ask lots of questions about the history of the property, who and how the tree was planted and any other vital information that will help us come up with the best possible solution for your specific tree.
Preventative Tree Care:
Once you have selected and planted the perfect tree, that is just the beginning. Just like any living organism, trees will need love and care for years to come to ensure success. Please contact us to ensure proper care of your tree. It is really important to provide trees with the right amount of water, nutrients and drainage and most important natural minimal pruning at the right times of the year.
Weather you need help with a newly planted tree or a 100 year or oak tree we would love to help come up with a solution for you.